Theme License Key with support active required for forum login.

Please note that in order to log into this forum and obtain developer support you need your theme license key and you must be up to date for Envato Item Support payments.   If your Envato Item Support has expired you will be unable to log into the forum and obtain support nor will it be provided via the comments section at Envato. This change has been made per marketplace policy in 2015/2016.

Our support email: should you have an unlicensed copy/lost your code/parted ways with the designers who built your site.

STRIKING MULTIFLEX UPDATE - VER 2.4.5 - 20 march 2025

We are pleased to release a Striking MultiFlex update Ver 2.4.5. It is approved by Envato and has been released via our update API so notifications to update will start appearing in your WP dashboard if you have theme update notifications enabled in the theme Advanced Settings.

Ver 2.4.5 is a important release as it contains plugin updates and theme theme tweaks for improved security, & bug fixes.  Striking is compatible with the newest WP 6.7+ beta, Woo 9.8.0+, php 8.3+ and latest WPML updates.


If you are currently on Striking 2.4.3 dd 17 February 2025 you must review the release comments as you need to install a replacement file in order to update! A change in our API for updating requires a new file in your theme. We apologize for the inconvenience. The solution is to be found here

Please see the release thread below for more details and the full changelog.  This is what Envato considers a "discretionary " update as we have created it for all theme owners irrespective as to whether you have renewed your Envato License Support.  If you have renewed your Envato Item Support then you can use the theme update settings to update your website.  If you have not renewed your Envato Item support then you have to manually download the update from your Envato account.

SUPPORT REQUESTS:  We are available to install the update for a reasonable fee for anyone who is uncomfortable undertaking the update on their own.  As well, if you have an outstanding request for any other type of support such as custom coding please send one of the support team members a private forum mail message.

1) Should you find what you believe might be a theme or WP related error after updating, do not post a new thread!  Post in the release version thread - we do not want the general forum cluttered with misc posts about wp update related issues.  Any such posts in the general forum will be deleted immediately.

2) We offer a variety of design/SEO/Speed Optimization and other web services per requests from users.   Please send a message to a forum administrator if you would like our help. We have done work for over 1000 clients and our outcome is always guaranteed.

To insert code in a forum thread or comment wrap it in code tags : <code>...</code>.


The theme documentation both inline and written is very extensive covers many of the questions we see asked repeatedly on the forum. Thus we request that before you post a new thread on the forum, you review the documentation and also do a search of the forum as your question already has been covered and thus answered by one of those 'superb' tutorials/video's we made.

You can find the documentation and video tutorials here : StrikingR Documentation/Videos

If that does not answer your question try todo a google search of the forum. Search for :

" support [the question]"

Because google indexes our forum pretty well and probably almost every question you are having has been asked and answered you most likely will find the answer to your question by that search. If not then please post a new forum thread with your question (each question in its own thread).

CUSTOMIZATION - Please remember that while we are perfectly willing to help out with a simple tweak here and there in respect of customization, most css customization, and all php and js customization, and plugin integration matters, fall into the paid support category. By all means post on the forum, as other users may assist, and we will try to point you in the right direction when we can.

Steps to take before posting a thread

Do you see the issue on our demo website? Striking Multiflex Demo Website If so, please send us a url to that page in your thread. If not please walk through the steps below before posting a thread.

1) Make sure you are using the latest version of the theme, wordpress and plugins. You can check that either at themeforest at the account you bought the theme with or by turning on the update notification in the theme advanced settings. If you are using the latest build please try to download the latest version again from themeforest, unzip it and re-upload the theme by usage of ftp upload overwriting the one that is in there to rule out any wrong theme code or custom adjustsments you made which could be interfering.
2) Undo all hardcoded theme adjustments (php, html, or css)
3) Remove any (manually) added (java) scripts in the theme settings, theme core files or widget area's
4) Turn off the child-theme
5) Clear the striking cache in the striking advanced settings
6) Clear cache in your browser you are using
7) Turn off minify and/or cache plugins
8) Turn off all your plugins and see if the issue resolves.
9) Check if the issue occurs in all browsers and if possible on mac or windows and does it happen on any other pc.
10) Use google to search the forum for your burning question first as most questions already have been asked and answered. Search for support [your question]

Note on css adjustments not working. If you added css adjustsments and they dont work then you most likely have added css before that point that is incorrectly closed or has other mistakes causing all css below the point where you made the css mistake to fail and stop working. Put your new css in the top of the custom css box. If it works then find your mistake(s).

Now when you do post a thread include :
1) A url to the website and or problem page so we can see the issue and investigate the code.
2) The code used causing the problem so we can replicate the issue.
3) Make sure you do not use the word "bug" in your thread title as google indexes our forum with lightning speed and those titles hurt our sales. These threads are either changed or removed instantly.
4) Provide information on what OS you are using and what browser.



1)  Weekend hours

Be advised that weekend forum support is limited to Saturday up to 3pm EST after which any questions posted, if not assisted by other users, would normally be dealt with on the following Monday.


PLEASE -> if you have not given Striking a star rating at Themeforest, please log into your account, go to your downloads page, and give us a Star Rating - hopefully 5 stars!  every 5 star rating has a big impact upon us (and 4 star ratings and below are hugely detrimental - it takes twenty 5 star ratings to overcome one 4 star rating).

Right now, we have the most per capita in the marketplace of any top selling theme.   If even 10% of our users who have not yet rated us were to give us a 5 rating, we would be overjoyed. Please give this consideration on our behalf.  

Since its release Oct 2010, Striking has had 100+ separate updates of NEW features, more than any other theme in the Themeforest marketplace. Striking is dedicated to keeping its users up to date with the Wordpress core, and the latest features available in the Wordpress theme world.

Striking Team